Danny has resided in the Abilene area since 2008 and is living a slice of the Texas dream on 50 acres with his beautiful wife. Danny’s passion for customer service started with small town roots at the family-owned Ranch House Café in Buffalo Gap, TX and advanced into Hospitality Management for a major chain of restaurants. After years in a successful management career, Danny completed college, earning his degree and certifications in Industrial Technology. He spent the next few years traveling throughout The Big Country as a sub-station electrician. In 2022, prompted by a love of dealing with people one-on-one, he found his passion and stepped full-time into the world of insurance. Solving the specific needs of individuals and families was something he could sink his teeth into with a true sense of purpose. Danny’s passion is now his vision, and his vision is to combine his in-depth knowledge and experience of the complexities of insurance and simplify it into an old-school, West Texas, customer service model that is individually tailored and responsive to the insurance needs of each client.